Bootshaus x Alle Farben x Neelix pres. ON A BOAT | ADE 2024

Bootshaus x Alle Farben x Neelix pres. ON A BOAT | ADE 2024

  • ven 18 ott 2024, 23:00
  • Eivissa Boat Venue
  • Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi

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Questo evento è terminato

Non è più possibile acquistare o vendere biglietti. Ti invitiamo a cercare un altro evento.


On Friday 18th of october 2024, the legendary BOOTSHAUS from Cologne, ALLE FARBEN from Berlin and NEELIX from Hamburg will finally make it perfect!

After decades of collaboration, partnership and friendship, you’re invited to the ultimate celebration of their shared journey at the Eivissa Boat. ⚓️⛵️

On the occasion of ADE 2024, the most beautiful class reunion in Europe, it is all about an evening among friends. Be there, meet old acquaintances, new friends and celebrate the music that connects so many people!


Eivissa Boat Venue

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